Thursday, August 09, 2007

Real World Australia

Who Knew.....a new season of real world started last night. I had no idea and just by the grace of god (which doesn't come my way often) I happened to catch it.

I have to rewatch the episode and its early but this season has some hopes. Its a wierd season for sure from a diversity standpoint. There doesn't appear to be any gay people and there is only one of a non-Caucasian background is a persian girl who is muslim.

There are 4 girls and 3 boys this go round and already the girls are fighting with each other so that could be interesting.

Not sure why the cast members do this every season now but they are all already trying to hook up with each other. If there is one thing we learned from Wes and Nehemiah is that the power of the camera behind you and your ability to tell people you are being filmed for MTV real world will get you laid. Doesn't matter how big a doof you are, you have the power of the camera behind you.....use it....go pick up OTHER people and keep the drama out of the house.

And we all thought Wes and Nehemiah were so stupid. They were on to something with that booty drawer.
