Hogan Knows Nothing

I'm sitting here watching back to back episodes of his "reality" and its unbelievable what is going on. A few observations:
1) Hulk was just caressing his 14 year old boy telling him it was time to get up. Hulk, he is NOT 2, he's 14. Stop caressing him.
2) Hulkette (the bimbo wife) was just groping the daughter's breasts because the daughter had a T-shirt on that read "They're Real". Hey Hulkette, was there any doubt your 16 year old daughter's breasts were real??? Did you have to grope them? Promptly after groping the daughter, Hulkette took the high road and informed her that t-shirt was too suggestive and not appropriate to be worn. Uh, well clearly its too suggestive...it even aroused her own mom to the point of an incestuous groping.
3) Hulk, what book of parenting did you read??? Of course your 14 year old boys top priority is his gf, NOT an old, bald doof running around in a t-shirt that reads: Thats not a bald spot, thats a solar panel for a sex machine.
4) Hulk, enough with the damn yellow...the truck is REALLY too much.
Maybe you can get another shot as Thunderlips in the next Rocky movie.